Creative Business Audiobooks available online

Creative Business Audiobooks for Entrepreneurs in the Creative Industries

Two creative business audiobooks are now available online to help entrepreneurs become even more successful.
The books are available in paperback, eBook and now also in audiobook formats.

The books were written especially for creative entrepreneurs with businesses in the creative, cultural and digital sectors. David Parrish is the author of both books and is also the narrator of these creative business audiobooks. David is a specialist business adviser with expertise in business growth and marketing. He works world-wide as an adviser, coach, trainer and keynote speaker.

T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity

Creative business audiobooks by David Parrish

‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ is a practical handbook for creative entrepreneurs to refer to and find information, examples from successful creative businesses, and practical tips about using powerful business ideas in a creative context. It’s a creative business guide for entrepreneurs in the creative industries and creative economy.

“Clear and concise with a lovely clean design.
T-Shirts and Suits is a great mixture of theory, practice and inspiration.” – Fiona Shaw. Capsica Publishing

Download creative business audiobook now from Audible, iTunes, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Australia, Amazon Germany, Amazon France.
[Listen to Audiobook Sample now.]

More information about this book plus links to downloads and online retailers.


Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs

Creative business audiobooks by David Parrish

Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs. This book combines inspirational stories and practical techniques, inspiring entrepreneurs to make their businesses even more successful by using smart marketing that fits with their values and objectives.

“Easily the best book on marketing I’ve ever read.”
– Ray Hanks (watch video)

Download creative business audiobook now from Audible, Amazon.USA, Amazon.UK, Amazon Australia, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, or iTunes

More information about this book plus links to downloads and online retailers.

These creative business audiobooks have received numerous five-star reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.
Read reviews of ‘T-Shirts and Suits’ on Amazon.
Read reviews of ‘Chase One Rabbit’ on Amazon.

‘Chase One Rabbit’ is also available as an eBook and paperback in both French and Spanish.

‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ has been translated and published in nine countries around the world: Belarus, Chile, China, Colombia, Lithuania, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine.