Creative Industries Urban Regeneration

The creative industries have the potential to be a significant factor in economic growth in the UK and other countries.

The potential to create jobs and wealth in the digital and creative sectors has been recognised by national governments and local authorities for some time. Creative Industries Urban Regeneration is seen by many local authorities as an effective approach to economic development. Consequently various economic regeneration projects have focused on the creative, cultural and digital sector of the economy. This sector has high-growth businesses within it and the sector as a whole has massive potential for growth, job creation and the generation of wealth.

One of these projects is the Liverpool Creative Growth Initiative, which has been designed to help creative and digital businesses in the city to grow. This is a Merseyside ACME project at Liverpool Vision, running from 2009 to 2011.

Here’s a short video featuring some of the 100+ creative businesses that have been supported by this project so far.

This video can also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo and

Film production by a sense of place in Liverpool.

Businesses featured include Milky Tea Ltd, Kirsty Doyle, Smiling Wolf Ltd, The Picket, Ilsa Parry, AdLib Audio, Active Profile Ltd, and Igloo Studio Ltd.

The project has helped more than 100 creative businesses in Liverpool to grow, create jobs and regenerate the economy of the city of Liverpool.

I’m proud to be involved in this project as well as also helping similar initiatives in other cities in the UK and overseas in my capacity as a specialist business adviser and management consultant.

Merseyside ACME has 13 years experience of supporting creative businesses through projects specifically designed for the sector. Support includes professional business consultancy services, training workshops, provision of information and networking. Examples include the Creative Advantage business development workshops and the Kin2Kin online network.

The experience of Merseyside ACME has been used by other creative industries support agencies to regenerate local economies, create jobs, support high-growth businesses in the creative and digital sector.