Time Management is an issue that comes up frequently when I’m advising creative businesses. It seems there’s always too much to do, and not enough time to do it. In my view, time management is both a strategic issue and an operational challenge. If we are unrealistic about what can be achieved with finite resources, …
Tag: keynote speaker
Free eBooks: T-Shirts and Suits
Download ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ by David Parrish as free eBooks in a selection of formats The eBook of T-Shirts and Suits is available as the full-colour version of the book, in interactive PDF format. It is also available as a text only eBook for Kindle and smartphones. We …
New economics of creativity
My keynote speech to film and TV producers in Finland (video below) referred to the changing business environment for creative enterprises. Consumers are now also creators and marketers; technology is advancing and becoming cheaper at the same time; global communication and distribution are easieir than ever before. These new realities bring both threats and opportunities. …
Creative Industries Urban Regeneration
The creative industries have the potential to be a significant factor in economic growth in the UK and other countries. The potential to create jobs and wealth in the digital and creative sectors has been recognised by national governments and local authorities for some time. Creative Industries Urban Regeneration is seen by many local authorities …
Creative Mischief
Thanks to Mark Beaumont, Creative Director at Dinosaur, for introducing me to this excellent book. Written by Dave Trott, it’s a series of anecdotes and thoughts about the world of advertising, drawn from his extensive experience as a creative in top agencies. Very thought provoking and inspiring. As I was reading it, I thought that …
Business Models for Creative Enterprises – a Starting Point
A Facebook friend called Phil sent me a message asking for advice about creating an effective business model for his creative enterprise. I didn’t have much time – but I didn’t want to ignore it either – so I sent a quick answer. This is what I wrote: Here’s the starting point of a business …
Raise your Prices!
Thanks to Leslie Burns for highlighting an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review about pricing. All of the issues it raises about pricing strategies and pricing mistakes are relevant to the creative industries, whether you are selling products or services, even though the examples are from big manufacturing firms. I think some of the …
How to make business enemies
Here’s a great way to make business enemies, ie how to multiply the number of commercial competitors you’re up against – if you really want to! (OK, maybe the word ‘enemies’ is a bit strong.) Many early stage businesses that haven’t yet found their specialist niche sometimes offer a very wide range of creative services …
Design, Pricing and Profitability
Here’s a fascinating article in Wired magazine about the graphic design of restaurant menus. And here’s another menu analysed in terms of design and pricing. These are essential reading not only for graphic designers but for anyone in the creative industries interested in marketing and pricing. So that’s everyone then. Amongst other things it includes …
Don’t hide from customers!
Why are you hiding from potential customers?! That’s what I think when a website invites me to contact “[email protected]” instead of a named person. Are there real people in there? If so, why are they hiding? Customers want to do business with people, not with a website. As a potential client, I want to know …