David Parrish delivered a creative entrepreneurship workshop in Bandung, Indonesia, on 12 August 2015.
The workshop on business growth and development for creative enterprises was organised by the Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF) in partnership with the Creative Entrepreneur Network and Info Bandung.
David designed and delivered an interactive workshop for 50 creative entrepreneurs on the subject of ‘Creativity and Business: How to Succeed as a Creative Entrepreneur’.
“The ‘Creative Talk’ interactive workshop on ‘How to Succeed as a Creative Entrepreneur’ in Bandung was a great success. David shared his international experience of business in the creative industries, and participants engaged with the event, giving us a new energy in the creative industries in Bandung.”
– Febby Arhemsyah M – Creative Entrepreneur Network / Bandung Creative City Forum. Indonesia
The workshop covered a range of business issues to help creative enterprises to grow successfully, including:
– How to marry Creativity and Business in harmony: T-Shirts and Suits
– Business issues facing creative enterprises world-wide including marketing, raising finance, and the management of intellectual property
– Marketing, emphasising the key differences between strategic marketing and operational marketing (marketing communications)
– Finance and Investment for creative businesses, including loan funding, equity funding and using crowd funding
– Intellectual Property and ‘How to Make Money while you Sleep’ through the licensing of intellectual property
– Feasibility and the Business Formula, based on the article ‘Create Your Own Business Formula‘ (which will be translated into Indonesian)
– Action Planning
Graphic recording by Imawan Atmosudirjo: www.imawangrid.wordpress.com
In Bandung, David also met the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil.
David has academic and professional qualifications in marketing, leadership and management, underpinned by his own experience of starting up, managing, growing and leading creative enterprises.
His workshops for creative businesses have been successfully delivered world-wide, in countries as diverse as the UK, Taiwan, Spain, Zimbabwe, Chile, Vietnam, Norway, Lithuania and Brazil.
As a specialist trainer for the creative industries, David believes strongly in fully engaging participants in training workshops, using practical examples, case studies, groupwork and discussions. In this way, participants’ own experience is involved in the learning process, leading to practical action plans, not just academic learning.
Clients benefit from his international consultancy expertise and his experience overlaps effectively with his training work, so he is able to draw on examples and case studies from clients world-wide for the benefit of clients and training course participants.
David’s in house training courses, management workshops, seminars, lectures and presentations have helped hundreds of businesses and organisations over more than ten years.