These creative business blog posts and articles are written to help creative entrepreneurs become even more successful by combining their creative talent with smart business thinking. They complement my books, guides, videos and a range of free resources for creative business development.
In addition to this list of recent blog posts, there is also a complete index of all blog posts in alphabetical order.
A selection of the most popular marketing blogs for creative, digital and cultural enterprises.
And here is a list of travel blogs.
How to get the Important Things done
How to get the Important Things done, when there just isn't enough time? It's too easy to be busy doing all those smaller and more urgent tasks and never find time to do the big important things. Our excuse is that there just isn't enough time. "We always have time enough, if we will but ...
Conversations as Market Research
Conversations are one of the most powerful forms of market research in the creative industries. They are a great way to understand customers' perspectives. The term 'Market Research' makes most people think of big, expensive research exercises conducted by large corporations or government agencies. That's why I prefer not to use that term at all ...
Startup Stress in the Creative and Cultural Industries
Startup Stress is one of the many things I advise on when working with my clients around the world. The creative and cultural industries are often seen as vibrant, innovative, and filled with passion-driven individuals. However, behind the allure of creating fashion, music, videos and cultural experiences lies a less visible reality: Startup Stress. In ...
Bad marketing
It's bad marketing to begin an email to me with "Hi!", "Hello" or "Hey there!" I get hundreds of emails trying to sell me a better website, social media management or lead generation. When they begin without addressing me by name, but with a generic "Hi" or "Hello" or "Hey there", I immediately delete them ...
Globalization in the creative and digital industries
Globalization in the creative and digital industries has had a significant impact on the way in which these sectors operate. With the advent of the internet and advances in communication technologies, it has become easier for creative professionals and digital workers to collaborate and share ideas across borders. One of the key benefits of globalization ...
Freemium Business Model in the Creative Industries
The Freemium business model has become increasingly popular in the creative industries, and for good reason. In a freemium model, a company offers a product or service for free, but also provides premium features or content that can be accessed for a fee. One of the main benefits of the freemium model is that it ...