Creative entrepreneurs use David’s creative business books, eBooks and Audiobooks to help them become even more successful.
They are inspired by the ideas, methods, examples and techniques in his books and other publications. Creative businesses world-wide become even more successful by improving their marketing, leadership, financial management, competitive advantage and commercialisation of their intellectual property.
As a business expert and leading author of creative industries books, David works worldwide as a keynote speaker, marketing consultant and business growth adviser, especially in the creative industries and cultural sector. Event organisers can purchase copies of his books for conference delegates or offer books for sale at conferences and other events, adding extra value for delegates, visitors or clients.
David has written two creative industries books, a creative industries guide, a creative enterprise toolkit, plus many articles and blogs. (See all publications.)
David’s creative business books and other publications have been published in several translations around the world. They are available in paperback, eBook and audiobook and digital PDF formats. Further translations are planned and David welcomes collaborations with translators and publishers world-wide to make his books and other publications accessible to creative entrepreneurs internationally.
Photo credit: Deia newspaper article
A summary of creative business books and other publications written by David Parrish, specifically for design, media, technology and other businesses.
T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity
Paperback book, Audiobook, free PDF document and free text-only eBook
[free eBook PDF / eBook (text only) / paperback / audiobook / signed copy]
Also published in translations in fourteen countries: Belarus, Chile, China, Colombia, Lithuania, Moldova, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Techniques, Tips and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs
[eBook / paperback / audiobook / signed copy / info, extracts, reviews]
Designed as an eBook for phones, tablets, and laptops. Also available in paperback and Audiobook formats.
Published in English in the UK. Published also in Spanish and French.
Designing Your Creative Business (DYCB™)
A Toolkit for Creative Entrepreneurs.
A practical strategic planning guide for businesses at all stages of development. Used in David’s business development strategy workshops world-wide.
Create Your Own Business Formula
This article was first published as a chapter entitled ‘Making a Business Plan’ in the book ‘Read This First: Growth and Development of Creative SMEs’.
Available for free download in several languages, including Romanian, Indonesian and Spanish.
Creative, Cultural and Digital Industries Guide
Written for Business Link in the UK.
Available for free download in PDF format.
This Guide can be adapted for publication in other countries in partnership with creative industries support agencies, using local case studies. Ideal as a publicity tool for business support agencies.
Ideas in Action Articles
Several articles featuring creative entrepreneurs world-wide who combine their creative passion with smart business thinking. Examples of creative entrepreneurship in Vietnam, Jamaica, Colombia, Hong Kong, Holland, South Africa and the UK.
Blog posts
See the full list of posts on David’s blog.
Signed paperback books are available on request. Books are signed by David Parrish, with a personalised dedication. Books are delivered world-wide in a clear presentation box. See full details and prices for signed paperback books.
David is a creative industries expert and author. He speaks at creative industries conferences worldwide and advises businesses in the creative industries globally. As a published author and creative industries expert, he is often invited as a speaker at conferences on marketing, business growth, new business models and creative entrepreneurship, especially at events for creative businesses and cultural enterprises. He speaks on creative entrepreneurship, combining creativity and business, and creativity in business. David’s speeches draw on his own experience as an entrepreneur, his work with successful businesses worldwide, his research and his writings. David’s books are often available for conference delegates as part of the arrangements to book him as a keynote speaker.
He is a leading author of creative business books and travels internationally to speak at creative industries conferences, advise creative and digital businesses on business growth and strategic marketing, deliver creative business training workshops and research for further books and publications.
David’s creative business books have been published in translations in several countries around the world including Belarus, Chile, China, Taiwan, Colombia, Spain, Lithuania, Moldova, Thailand and Ukraine.
Contact David if you are interested in publishing his books in translation in other countries. His books have been published by government ministries and departments, creative industries support agencies, commercial publishers, universities, NGOs and small businesses. Wherever possible, David supports the publication of his books in other countries by speaking at creative business conferences, participating in book launch events, and co-operating with media activity including TV, radio and press interviews.