David spoke about business support in the creative and cultural industries at the Asturias Creative Pole conference in Gijón, Spain.
He shared his international experience of helping creative enterprises to grow, create jobs and increase exports. David gave a presentation about his work in the UK creative and cultural industries, including the following projects:
The Creative Growth Initiative Project in the UK (including video)
The ‘Fit for the Future’ project of Cultural Industries Support
David also spoke about how the creative industries is in some respects an ‘Invisible Sector’, based on his article about creative industries job creation in Liverpool.
Other speakers at the conference included Nicola Pinder, David Kirwan, Kelly Dearcey and John Newbigin.
Above: Maria Fitzpatrick, David Kirwan, Nicola Pinder,
David Parrish and John Newbigin.
Above: Nicola Pinder, Maria Fitzpatrick, Kelly Dearsey,
David Parrish and David Kirwan