Course Category: Marketing

  • Precision Marketing - online toolkit

    9 Lessonsin
    • Precision Marketing - an online toolkit with techniques to deliver focused marketing messages to the right customers --- (free or pay what you want) -

    Precision Marketing is all about getting the right messages to the right people in the most effective way possible.

  • How to Increase Prices - online toolkit

    16 Lessonsin ,
    • How to Increase Prices - online toolkit with strategies and techniques to increase prices and profits --- (free or pay what you want) -

    Pricing is about two things: the economic transaction and a statement of value. Pricing influences customers’ perception and view of quality. A high price can reassure customers about quality and may actually increase sales.

  • Smart Marketing - online video toolkit

    • Smart Marketing - an online toolkit of smart marketing strategies that make your business even more successful --- (free or pay what you want) -

    This toolkit is packed with information about smart marketing. It offers several marketing techniques, insights and tips to help you to be smarter with marketing of your products or services. The ten sections of the toolkit contain video presentations and written information,  plus bonus materials and worksheets.

  • COVID-19 Business Strategies: Creativity, Diversification and Transformation

    • "COVID-19 Business Strategies: Creativity, Diversification and Transformation" - a video-based toolkit or course for change --- (free or pay what you want) -

    The 20 parts of this toolkit comprise 14 video-based sections plus 6 sections which have downloadable documents to read or to use as worksheets. Each section has additional information and suggested practical action points. The sections are structured in a logical way so that you can follow them as a 'course', but you can use this resource as a 'toolkit', selecting sections as you need them. You can return to any of them at any time.