Bad marketing

It’s bad marketing to begin an email to me with “Hi!”, “Hello” or “Hey there!”

I get hundreds of emails trying to sell me a better website, social media management or lead generation.

When they begin without addressing me by name, but with a generic “Hi” or “Hello” or “Hey there”, I immediately delete them.


Because clearly it’s a mass email to hundreds or thousands of people on a mailing list. It isn’t targeted at me in particular.

It’s a scattergun approach.

Some people think it’s clever, but it’s ineffective and lazy.

Bad marketing.

It’s disrespectful to the recipient. It’s impersonal. It treats the potential customer as just another email address.

In contrast, I will pay attention to an email that addresses me by name: “Hi David”.

At least they have taken the trouble to type my name.

It’s even better when they show that they really have looked at my website by referring to some details.

I know it’s a lie when an email says: “Hi, your website is great but could be better”.

Again, bad marketing.

Instead, think of quality not quantity.

Rather than mailing impersonally to thousands of email addresses, choose a few target customers whom you really could help.

Then address them politely by using their name, show you have studied their business, and be specific about how you can help them.

That’s good marketing.

For more information read my marketing book.

And this article.

Don’t bother emailing me again in an impersonal way.

As a qualified marketing expert, I hate bad marketing.

If you want professional marketing advice, contact me and let’s have a conversation.