David designed and delivered an International Marketing workshop in Birmingham in November 2024. The event for creative businesses was organised by Creative UK West Midlands as part of the Create Growth Programme and took place at Birmingham Open Media. David’s International Marketing workshop session covered: – The theory and practice of how creative businesses market …
Category: Cultural Economy
Bad marketing
It’s bad marketing to begin an email to me with “Hi!”, “Hello” or “Hey there!” I get hundreds of emails trying to sell me a better website, social media management or lead generation. When they begin without addressing me by name, but with a generic “Hi” or “Hello” or “Hey there”, I immediately delete them. …
Export Readiness Workshops
David designed and delivered five online export readiness workshops in partnership with the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), The export readiness workshops are part of the Technovation Social Capacity Building Journey. David shared his expertise and experience of export readiness focusing on the topics below, using examples from his work around the world, …
Creative Cities Presentation in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
David gave a Creative Cities presentation and spoke on a panel to discuss Economic Development and Digital Transformation in Urban Environments at a conference in Transylvania in November 2023. David was a conference speaker at the Urban Development Conference “The Future of Transylvanian Cities” held in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania, organised by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC). David …
Theatre Entrepreneurship Workshop for ICTheatre
David delivered an online workshop about Theatre Entrepreneurship for final year students at the Institute for Contemporary Theatre (ICTheatre). His workshop focused on creative entrepreneurship, specifically how practitioners can use theatre entrepreneurship to develop their careers, enterprises and organisations. David shared his professional expertise and international experience with students in the interactive workshop. Topics included: …
Creative Entrepreneurship in Malta
David delivered online workshops for artists and creatives about Creative Entrepreneurship in Malta in January and June 2023. Working in partnership with In Place of War, in collaboration with Arts Council Malta, David helped artists and creatives to become even more successful. David’s interactive sessions discussed artists’ objectives and personal definitions of ‘success’ before moving …
Globalization in the creative and digital industries
Globalization in the creative and digital industries has had a significant impact on the way in which these sectors operate. With the advent of the internet and advances in communication technologies, it has become easier for creative professionals and digital workers to collaborate and share ideas across borders. One of the key benefits of globalization …
Cultural Industry Expert Interview
This Cultural Industry Expert Interview with David Parrish was conducted by Trenčín 2026 in Slovakia, when David was in Trenčín to deliver a creative business training workshop for cultural managers. The cultural industry expert interview was first published online by Trenčín 2026 with the title “David Parrish: Strategic business thinking involves deciding what NOT to …
Training for Culture Professionals in Trenčín
Training for Culture Professionals David delivered interactive creative business training for culture professionals in Trenčín, Slovakia, in October 2022. Trenčín will be European Capital of Culture in 2026. The RUNWAY Program offers training for culture professionals and others in preparation for 2026. David designed and delivered an interactive workshop in “Strategic planning and creative approaches …
Artbox Armenia Mentoring for Startups
David has been appointed by Artbox Armenia to be a mentor for 29 startups in the cultural and creative industries in Armenia. Artbox is an incubator providing comprehensive support to creative projects and businesses with potential for commercial success. Inspired by innovative models in business and tech, Artbox is a reinvention of the incubator model for …