David was the keynote speaker at a conference about Transformation with the Cultural and Creative Industries in Berlin.
The conference was organised by Germany’s Federal Government’s Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries.
David’s speech covered the transformation with the cultural and creative industries, with examples from around the world. He also talked about shifts in society and presented creative business models which respond to societal transformation.
He spoke about the response of the cultural and creative industries to the Covid-19 pandemic, including processes for innovation and diversification.
Further links, information and many free resources are available online to complement David’s keynote speech about transformation with the cultural and creative industries:
David’s TEDx Napoli talk on “a-Creativity” and “i-Creativity”
As well as artistic creativity, “i-Creativity” is used in Science, Business and several other fields of human endeavour (link)
COVID-19 Diversification strategies including the Diversification Matrix (link)
T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity (Free eBook in English)
The free eBook version in English is available here. Also for sale as a paperback and audiobook.
More information, videos, lectures and projects associated with ‘Innovation and Diversification in the Covid-19 Pandemic’ (link)
Create Your Own Business Formula (article)
Free article about devising a winning business strategy in the creative industries. In English, German and several other languages available here.
Strategic Marketing Book
‘Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs’ (link)
More free Business Development Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs
– free eBook, videos, blogs, examples, guides and more (link)
Example of licensing as a business model in the cultural and creative industries. ‘Ideas in Action’ article. (link)
Example of scaling up digitally as a business model in the creative industries. ‘Ideas in Action’ article. (link)
Example of ‘Co-opetition’ as a business model in the cultural and creative industries. ‘Ideas in Action’ article. (link)
Further ‘Ideas in Action’ inspirational articles and case studies
Featuring creative entrepreneurs from around the world using smart business thinking (link)
COVID-19 Business Strategies: Creativity, Diversification and Transformation (video based online toolkit/course)
This is for sale online for £249 GBP.
The first ten participants in this conference to contact David can access a free copy and receive a 100% discount coupon. (Email [email protected].)
Under the title “Transformation with the Cultural and Creative Industries”, the International Conference 2021 was all about questions around transformation in and with the cultural and creative industries, transformation processes and paths, methods and competencies in the field of transformation.
We are in a time of profound change of values, our living together and economic cooperation. Our society and our economy are facing great challenges: From globalization to the energy transition and climate change, to the implementation of digitalization and the structural change of rural areas as well as our inner cities. In addition, the Corona pandemic is causing uncertainty.
The cultural and creative industries are drivers of social and economic transformation. They question the existing and create positive utopias, rethink products and services and make them tangible in the form of prototypes. The cultural and creative industries provide methods and expertise in the area of transformational knowledge and culture and act as a bridge between disciplines. Creativity can hardly be automated and will play an increasingly important role as a central resource in the future.
Germany’s Federal Government’s Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries is part of the Federal Government’s Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative coordinated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
14:00 – Opening
Moderation: Eva Kiltz, publicist, concept developer and agile cultural manager
14:05 – Political greeting
Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for
Economic Affairs and Energy
14:10 – Words of welcome
Dr. Olaf Arndt, Head of “Analysis & Scientific Debate” at the Competence Center Cultural and
Creative Industries of the Federal Government
14:20 – Keynote
David Parrish, British expert on cultural and creative industries, keynote speaker in and for
the fields of creative industries, creative economy, marketing and digital economy and international business relations.
14:45 – Keynote speeches and academic presentations
(always in rotation, i.e. the academic classification will take place directly after the corresponding keynote presentation)
Keynote speeches: Dr. Soenke Zehle, Zebras Unite/ Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar,
Julian Specht, CSO and co-founder of Living Brain, Peter Sänger, CEO and co-founder of
Greencity Solutions, Anna Harnes, co-founder united we stream.
Academic Classifications: Dr. Jens Badura, operator of berg_kulturbüro, Berchtesgarden,
freelance author, lecturer at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Senior Fellow at the
Institute Cultures of the Alps, Prof. Timothée Ingen-Housz, Professor of Dramaturgy and
Design of Audiovisual Communication at the Institute for Time-Based Media at Udk Berlin,
Dr. Jana Hoffmann, Co-Head of the Research Department Future of the Collection, Museum
für Naturkunde Berlin, Prof. Dr. Suntje Schmidt, Acting Head of the Research Department
“Dynamics of Economic Spaces” at the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research, Junior
Professor for Applied Economic Geography at the HU Berlin
15:35 Break
15:45 – International Panel
Eva Pauline Bossow, Managing Director of the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies at the
Zurich University of the Arts, a research & competence center at the Zurich University of the
Arts, advisory board member and coach, Michela Magas entrepreneur and consultant New
European Bauhaus, Dr. Gertraud Leimüller, KW Austria and entrepreneur.
16:35 – Closing public stream
16:40 – 18:00 Workshops (Zoom)
Tandem workshops with the four scholars who have previously made the academic
classifications and the four impulse givers.
As a creative industries keynote speaker, David brings his own experience of working in the creative industries, along with success stories from his clients around the world to his speeches and presentations.
David has spoken about the Creative Industries at the European Commission in Brussels and the United Nations in Geneva.
As a creative industries expert, David’s speeches cover different aspects of creative business, including the Creative Economy, Marketing, International Business, Startups, the Digital Economy and Creativity.
David was a creative industries keynote speaker at Creative Business Summit Africa in Kenya and at the ‘Orange Festival’ creative economy conference in Bogotá to promote the creative industries in Colombia.
In South Africa he was the keynote creative industries speaker at the event ‘Unlocking the Creative Economy’.
He was the creative industries keynote speaker at the Ejadah Confex, the Saudi Arabia Creative Economy Conference and Exhibition; keynote speaker in Serbia at the Third International Creative Industries Conference.
He was a speaker at the Business Wisdom Summit in Ukraine; EVCOMference in the UK; and creative industries keynote speaker at the Korea Creative Economy Forum.
He made a presentation at the United Nations (UNCTAD) in Geneva.
He gave a talk on creativity and business at Young Africa Botswana in Gabarone, Botswana and gave a presentation at the ‘Think up Culture!’ conference in Spain.
He was the international speaker at Toolkit Naranja at Colombia 4.0 in Bogotá.
David made a presentation on the creative industries to the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.
He also spoke in Russia at the World Summit of Creative Industries in Moscow; at a Samsung Conference in Portugal; and a Cultural Economy Conference in Chile.
In Ireland, David was the creative industries keynote speaker at Enterprise Week in County Donegal, Ireland.
He was the international keynote speaker at The Digital Debate Digital Industries conference in Bogotá, Colombia.
In Kazakhstan he was the speaker on ‘How to Combine Creativity and Business’.