How to get the Important Things done, when there just isn’t enough time? It’s too easy to be busy doing all those smaller and more urgent tasks and never find time to do the big important things. Our excuse is that there just isn’t enough time. “We always have time enough, if we will but …
Category: Creative Entrepreneurship
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity
David gave a presentation on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity to a conference in Kazakhstan in November 2024. Entitled “Creativity in the Era of A.I.”, he spoke about the creative industries and Artificial Intelligence. The conference was organised by the Ulttyq Ustaz Online Academy and the event was the Fourth Annual School of Rectors. The programme …
International Marketing Workshop
David designed and delivered an International Marketing workshop in Birmingham in November 2024. The event for creative businesses was organised by Creative UK West Midlands as part of the Create Growth Programme and took place at Birmingham Open Media. David’s International Marketing workshop session covered: – The theory and practice of how creative businesses market …
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine
David spoke about ‘Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Age of Digitalization’ at an event in Ukraine in October 2024. He delivered an online Open Mentoring Session for students and staff at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in Ukraine. David shared his experience of helping startups and established business in more than 60 countries around the …
Conversations as Market Research
Conversations are one of the most powerful forms of market research in the creative industries. They are a great way to understand customers’ perspectives. The term ‘Market Research’ makes most people think of big, expensive research exercises conducted by large corporations or government agencies. That’s why I prefer not to use that term at all. …
Startup Stress in the Creative and Cultural Industries
Startup Stress is one of the many things I advise on when working with my clients around the world. The creative and cultural industries are often seen as vibrant, innovative, and filled with passion-driven individuals. However, behind the allure of creating fashion, music, videos and cultural experiences lies a less visible reality: Startup Stress. In …
Export Readiness Workshops
David designed and delivered five online export readiness workshops in partnership with the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), The export readiness workshops are part of the Technovation Social Capacity Building Journey. David shared his expertise and experience of export readiness focusing on the topics below, using examples from his work around the world, …
Creative Cities Presentation in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
David gave a Creative Cities presentation and spoke on a panel to discuss Economic Development and Digital Transformation in Urban Environments at a conference in Transylvania in November 2023. David was a conference speaker at the Urban Development Conference “The Future of Transylvanian Cities” held in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania, organised by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC). David …
Investment Demystified Masterclass
David delivered an online Investment Demystified Masterclass for Creative Entrepreneurs in Greater Manchester on 21 June 2023. The fully-funded 3-hour Investment Demystified Masterclass was designed to prepare Creative SMEs and Freelancers for the investment process. Course Outline: An interactive online event, giving participants maximum opportunity to learn from the presenters, and each other, with questions, …
Astana International Forum Speaker
David was an Astana International Forum Speaker in Kazakhstan. He shared his international experience of the creative economy with delegates from countries in the region and worldwide. The Astana International Forum plays an essential role in bringing together leaders and experts to identify practical solutions to some of the world’s most pressing topics. In the …