IP and Copyright: Making it Work is an online workshop for artists and creative entrepreneurs, designed and delivered by David Parrish, in association with the Future’s Venture Foundation. The interactive workshop is about intellectual property for creative, cultural and digital entrepreneurs includes: – An overview of Intellectual Property: Copyright, Design Right, Trademarks and Patents. – …
Category: Intellectual Property
Islamic Art and Culture – A Conversation
David was the guest at an event to discuss the Business of Creativity in relation to Islamic Art and Culture. The online event was hosted by Rizwan Iqbal and participants joined from the UK and other countries. The conversation followed David’s presentation about The Business of Creativity, specifically: – how to find new sources of …
“Maximising the Monetisation of Creativity” webinar in Albania
David delivered an interactive webinar on Maximising the Monetisation of Creativity for businesses in the creative industries in Albania, in partnership with the Women Founders Network Albania, supported by Swiss EP, Albania. The webinar was organised for businesses in the creative, cultural and digital industries in Albania. Publicity for the Maximising the Monetisation of Creativity …
Pricing Webinar for Creative Industry Businesses in Bosnia & Herzegovina
David delivered a pricing webinar for creative industry businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on World Art Day 2020, hosted by Foundation 787 and supported by Swiss EP.The pricing webinar “Three Dimensions of Profitable Pricing” provided an opportunity to consider pricing policies from three different perspectives: calculating all costs to ensure breakeven or profit; the effect …
United Nations Creative Economy presentation
David made a United Nations Creative Economy presentation at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He was invited by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to share his experience of working in the Creative Economy worldwide. His presentation was entitled: “The Creative Economy and Creative Entrepreneurship: A Worldwide Perspective”. In his …
Workshops for Namibian Creative Entrepreneurs
David delivered creative business training workshops for Namibian Creative Entrepreneurs in Windhoek, Karibib and Swakopmund, in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Week Namibia. The Creative Business Workshop in Windhoek on Monday 11 November included: – Creative Marketing – How to Make Money While you Sleep – Leading and Managing Creative Teams The Creative Business Workshop in …
Young Africa Botswana ‘Futuremakers’ presentation
David gave a business development presentation at Young Africa Botswana to the ‘Futuremakers’ group of young creative entrepreneurs. His presentation about creative business development was followed by a discussion about business techniques and models. This became an interactive workshop event and David also answered questions from the young creative entrepreneurs. The discussion included marketing, the …
South African Entrepreneurship Workshop
David’s South African Entrepreneurship workshop for young creative entrepreneurs in Mbombela/Nelspruit was entitled “The Business of Creativity”. Commissioned by the E3 Youth Development Hub, this creative industries project focused on entrepreneurship in the creative industries in South Africa. David’s workshop covered a range of creative business development issues and techniques, including: – Strategic Marketing – …
The Solopreneur Business Growth Model
The Solopreneur Business Growth Model is an alternative way to grow a business that avoids the trap of following the crowd into the conventional process of scaling up. It’s a valid and profitable model that suits many solopreneurs in the creative and digital industries. J.K.Rowling is a highly successful and wealthy writer. Yet many business …
This invisible hand controls cultural exports
What’s the connection between the Batman logo and a t-shirt design using clever wordplay in Arabic? These cultural exports are both subject to copyright and can only be reproduced with permission. Hollywood’s creations are recognised worldwide, to the extent that we talk about ‘cultural imperialism’ and the dominant position of western culture in an increasingly …