How to get the Important Things done, when there just isn’t enough time? It’s too easy to be busy doing all those smaller and more urgent tasks and never find time to do the big important things. Our excuse is that there just isn’t enough time. “We always have time enough, if we will but …
Category: Strategy
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity
David gave a presentation on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity to a conference in Kazakhstan in November 2024. Entitled “Creativity in the Era of A.I.”, he spoke about the creative industries and Artificial Intelligence. The conference was organised by the Ulttyq Ustaz Online Academy and the event was the Fourth Annual School of Rectors. The programme …
Startup Stress in the Creative and Cultural Industries
Startup Stress is one of the many things I advise on when working with my clients around the world. The creative and cultural industries are often seen as vibrant, innovative, and filled with passion-driven individuals. However, behind the allure of creating fashion, music, videos and cultural experiences lies a less visible reality: Startup Stress. In …
Export Readiness Workshops
David designed and delivered five online export readiness workshops in partnership with the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), The export readiness workshops are part of the Technovation Social Capacity Building Journey. David shared his expertise and experience of export readiness focusing on the topics below, using examples from his work around the world, …
Theatre Entrepreneurship Workshop for ICTheatre
David delivered an online workshop about Theatre Entrepreneurship for final year students at the Institute for Contemporary Theatre (ICTheatre). His workshop focused on creative entrepreneurship, specifically how practitioners can use theatre entrepreneurship to develop their careers, enterprises and organisations. David shared his professional expertise and international experience with students in the interactive workshop. Topics included: …
Creative Entrepreneurship in Malta
David delivered online workshops for artists and creatives about Creative Entrepreneurship in Malta in January and June 2023. Working in partnership with In Place of War, in collaboration with Arts Council Malta, David helped artists and creatives to become even more successful. David’s interactive sessions discussed artists’ objectives and personal definitions of ‘success’ before moving …
Business Innovation and Culture
David gave an online lecture on Business Innovation and Culture to students in May 2023. He was invited by Munich University of Applied Sciences to make a presentation to masters degree students. David’s talk on Business Innovation and Culture included: – How to use both a-Creativity and i-Creativity in the context of innovation – How …
Art meets Business: COING Podcast interview with David
Art meets Business was the theme of the podcast discussion with David on the COING podcast. See the video below: Creative Entrepreneurship – where art meets business Can creativity exist in all kinds of entrepreneurship? How can artists find the right people to buy their art and still stay true to themselves? Is regular business …
Training for Culture Professionals in Trenčín
Training for Culture Professionals David delivered interactive creative business training for culture professionals in Trenčín, Slovakia, in October 2022. Trenčín will be European Capital of Culture in 2026. The RUNWAY Program offers training for culture professionals and others in preparation for 2026. David designed and delivered an interactive workshop in “Strategic planning and creative approaches …
International Startups in the Creative Industries
David gave a presentation and engage in a conversation with participants about International Startups in the Creative Industries in July 2022. The event was organised by the ZUMO+ project at the The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. David’s presentation was entitled: “How to run startups in the creative industries from an international perspective.” He …