David made a United Nations Creative Economy presentation at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
He was invited by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to share his experience of working in the Creative Economy worldwide. His presentation was entitled: “The Creative Economy and Creative Entrepreneurship: A Worldwide Perspective”.
In his United Nations Creative Economy presentation, David spoke about:
– Creative Hubs including his involvement in the European Creative Hubs Network
– The free resources on creative entrepreneurship he has developed for use worldwide
– His book “T-Shirts and Suits” which has been translated in 14 countries and available as a free eBook in English
– The creative business training workshops he has designed and delivered worldwide
– The ‘big three’ issues of Marketing, Intellectual Property and Finance
– The Creative Commons licence and Freemium business model that is used to publish the free eBook
– The Orange Economy in Latin America
– Business Strategies for creative enterprises worldwide
– Startups in the creative economy and the challenges they face
– Marketing as a topic of interest to creative businesses around the world
Other presentations were made by Marisa Henderson, Chief of the Creative Economy programme at UNCTAD and Christoph Spenneman, Intellectual Property expert working at the United Nations in Geneva.
David’s presentation is available on the UNCTAD website here.
At the United Nations, David presented copies of his two books on creative business to the UNCTAD team.
David is an international expert in the creative economy, creative entrepreneurship, the creative industries. He works worldwide as a conference speaker, trainer, business adviser, coach and author. He speaks at conferences about the Digital Economy, the Orange Economy, the Creative Economy, Strategic Marketing and International Business.
He has worked in more than 60 countries on six continents. He travels extensively from his base in the United Kingdom and is available to work in countries around the world.
David is a Creative Economy speaker at conferences and other events around the world. He brings his international experience of new business models in the creative economy to audiences worldwide. David’s keynote speeches, presentations and workshops inform and inspire both creative entrepreneurs and policy makers in the creative economy.
See Videos and read What Clients Say about David.
As a Creative Economy speaker, David has delivered speeches and presentations at conferences, summits, international forums and other events including the following:
Unlocking the Creative Economy, South Africa
Speech about the creative economy worldwide to inspire local stakeholders to boost the creative economy in the specific context of South Africa.
Northern Transylvanian Clusters Consortium, Romania
Speech on ‘Transformation through Creativity’ in the context of the creative and digital economy, in the city of Cluj, Romania.
ANATO National Congress, Colombia
Speech on “Inspiration for Travel Agencies from Creativity, Innovation and the Orange Economy Worldwide” in Medellín, Colombia.
European Commission. Brussels, Belgium
Creative Economy presentation on skills in the creative economy, creative entrepreneurship and the connection between the creative economy and other industry sectors.
Creative Business Summit Africa
Speech on ‘The Business of Creativity’ at this pan-African conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Territorios Innovadores
Speaker on creative entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy International Forum “Territorios Innovadores” in Bogotá, Colombia.
Curaçao Creative Economy
Keynote speaker at the ‘Connecting the Dots’ event for creative entrepreneurs in Willemstad, plus workshops on business strategy and intellectual property.
Festival Naranja Creative Economy Conference
Keynote speech on ‘Successful Creative Entrepreneurship in the Orange Economy Worldwide’, plus a workshop and interviews in Bogotá, Colombia.
Creative Industries Enterprise Week
Keynote speech on ‘Creativity and Business’, giving international examples of success in the creative economy for creative entrepreneurs in County Donegal, Republic of Ireland.
International Creative Industries Conference
Keynote speech on ‘Creative Business in the Digital Economy’ at the Third International Creative Industries Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia.
World Summit of Creative Industries
Creative Economy Speech on ‘How to be a Creative Entrepreneur’ at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC), Moscow.
Korea Creative Economy Forum
Keynote speaker on ‘Creativity and Business’ at Government-level national event in creative city Seoul.
Saudi Arabia Ejadah Confex
Ejadah Creative Economy Conference and Exhibition in Saudi Arabia 2016. Keynote speech on the Creative Economy and presentation on Creative Entrepreneurship. (more…)
Samsung Conference. Portugal
Keynote speaker on “Creativity and Business” in the Creative Economy at corporate event in Lisbon for technology giant Samsung Portugal.
Chile Cultural Economy Conference
Conference speech on ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ at conference hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Chile.
Think up Culture!
Conference speech on Creativity, Culture, Tourism and Economic Development in Mallorca, Spain.
Biz Labs, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Interactive creative business development workshop for startups and businesses in the digital and creative industries.
Enterprise Week, Donegal, Ireland
Keynote speech on Creativity and Business, plus workshop for creative entrepreneurs and individual business advice sessions.
Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK)
Presentation on ‘Business Growth in the Creative and Digital Industries’ to entrepreneurs and startups at Innovation Center Kosovo in Prishtina, Kosovo.
Speech on business models for design businesses in the Creative Economy. Event hosted by the Brazilian Association of Design Companies (ABEDESIGN) in São Paulo, Brazil.
Creative Industries Agency. Russia
Presentation on Creativity and Business in the Creative Economy at the Summer School for Russian creative entrepreneurs in Moscow.
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