David designed and delivered an International Marketing workshop in Birmingham in November 2024. The event for creative businesses was organised by Creative UK West Midlands as part of the Create Growth Programme and took place at Birmingham Open Media. David’s International Marketing workshop session covered: – The theory and practice of how creative businesses market …
Category: Books
Strategic Digital Marketing Lecture at OMNES
David delivered a Strategic Digital Marketing lecture for Masters students at OMNES Education in London. Students studying the module “Advanced VR and Immersive Technology” heard David’s perspectives on strategic marketing in the digital industries and innovative technology. David shared his experience of strategic marketing in his own businesses and the successes of his clients whom …
Training for Culture Professionals in Trenčín
Training for Culture Professionals David delivered interactive creative business training for culture professionals in Trenčín, Slovakia, in October 2022. Trenčín will be European Capital of Culture in 2026. The RUNWAY Program offers training for culture professionals and others in preparation for 2026. David designed and delivered an interactive workshop in “Strategic planning and creative approaches …
Business Creativity in Armenia
David spoke about Business Creativity at a series of events in Armenia organised in partnership with Leadership School Armenia. David gave a lecture to students at Leadership School Armenia. His lecture “How to be an Effective Leader” was based on his insights from personal experience of leadership and management. At IT Center Ghukasavan, David made …
Follow the love!
“Follow the love” is a useful tactic for creative and cultural enterprises. What do I mean? Our relationships with customers, clients and audiences is at the heart of any creative business. We have built relationships with them, sometimes over several years, so they have come to know, like and trust us. Like good friends, they …
Instagram Live Conversation on Creativity with Zulfiya Abdukhalikova
David was the guest in an Instagram Live Conversation with Zulfiya Adbukhalikova, hosted by Impact Hub Almaty in Kazakhstan. “Creative Business Responses: A Conversation“ was an Instagram Live event that took place on Tuesday 21 April 2020. The conversation included a discussion about creativity in the creative industries and other sectors. David spoke about the …
Thought Leader – Book Featured in Top 50
Recognised as a Thought Leader in his field, one of David’s books has been listed in the “50 Business and Technology Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders”. The list of recommended books from thought leaders includes “Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs”. This highly regarded marketing …
Russian translation of ‘T-Shirts and Suits’ book
A Russian translation of the creative business guide ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ has been published. Impact Hub Almaty published the book in paperback and eBook formats in 2019 in Kazakhstan. This is the fourteenth translation of the book. The free eBook in Russian can be downloaded, printed and re-distributed. …
Caro pero tranquilizador
Un Extracto del libro: “Chase One Rabbit: Marketing Estratégico para el éxito en los Negocios 63 Consejos, Técnicas e Historias para Emprendedores Creativos” Stella Artois anuncia su cerveza como “tranquilizadoramente cara” (del inglés “reassuringly expensive”). Me encanta. Están orgullosos de su alto precio. Están vendiendo el beneficio de tener un precio alto. Y se están …
¡No todos los clientes son buenos clientes!
Un Extracto del libro: “Chase One Rabbit: Marketing Estratégico para el éxito en los Negocios 63 Consejos, Técnicas e Historias para Emprendedores Creativos” Los clientes pueden ser malos por todo tipo de motivos. Pueden ser poco rentables o problemáticos. Pueden hacerte perder el tiempo o causarte estrés. Algunos interfieren demasiado. Otros no merecen ser añadidos …