David delivered an online Exporting and International Marketing workshop for creative businesses on Thursday 05 November 2020. “I attended a workshop session led by David on Exporting and International Marketing – this was a really useful overview of the key areas to consider in developing and diversifying creative business for overseas audiences. It reassured me that …
Category: International Business
Better Online Pitching – presentation for APFI Finland
David delivered an online presentation on Better Online Pitching for Creatives International as part of a Pre Mission Briefing for a Virtual Trade Mission to Germany for APFI (Audiovisual Producers Finland). The online Pre Mission Briefing was hosted by Simon Preston and featured an in-depth presentation from Nicola Pinder about the German market for audiovisual …
Cultural Policy Designers Network – Interview
Ragnar Siil of the Cultural Policy Designers Network interviews David Parrish about responses to the COVID-19 crisis in the creative and cultural industries worldwide. David is a member of the Cultural Policy Designers Network and other international networks in the creative, cultural and digital industries worldwide.
Business Strategies for the New Normal – Philippines webinar
David was the guest speaker at a webinar on ‘Business Strategies for the New Normal’ in partnership with GEN Philippines on 21 May 2020. Business Strategies for the New Normal – webinar outline 1. The Reality Check – How to deal with the crisis and identify new opportunities for the new normal. 2. Creativity – …
Follow the love!
“Follow the love” is a useful tactic for creative and cultural enterprises. What do I mean? Our relationships with customers, clients and audiences is at the heart of any creative business. We have built relationships with them, sometimes over several years, so they have come to know, like and trust us. Like good friends, they …
COVID-19 Diversification Strategies – How to Diversify in a Crisis
During the pandemic, many businesses are developing COVID-19 Diversification strategies. These can be simply emergency tactics for the short term, or more fundamental strategic changes for the medium term. Some businesses will later return to ‘normal’ (or the ‘new normal’) whilst others will be completely transformed, emerging with a new business model (or Business Formula). …
Business Design for Lifestyle Success
My lightbulb moment was in Albania, in the summer, a few years ago. I was backpacking around the Balkans but also carrying my laptop because I needed to keep in touch with my clients by email. As a one-person business, I couldn’t delegate to colleagues, and nowadays everyone expects an immediate response. Gone are the days of shutting down …
Creative Business Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis
During the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses around the world are responding creatively, finding new opportunities and adding value in imaginative ways. This page empowers and inspires Creative Business Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis. A new ‘COVID-19 Business Strategies’ tookit plus several other online toolkits and courses are now available as part of extensive online …
Oman Creative Economy Presentation
David gave a Creative Economy presentation at an event in Muscat, Oman, based on his international experience of the creative industries. His presentation “The Digital and Creative Economy” was made online to an audience of Oman Government officials, employees and others. David spoke about the opportunities for governments to use the creative economy in the …
United Nations Creative Economy presentation
David made a United Nations Creative Economy presentation at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He was invited by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to share his experience of working in the Creative Economy worldwide. His presentation was entitled: “The Creative Economy and Creative Entrepreneurship: A Worldwide Perspective”. In his …