On Wednesday 23 September, David delivered a masterclass on creative entrepreneurship in Kiev, Ukraine, to help businesses become even more successful. Over 100 creative entrepreneurs attended the event.
David’s masterclass for creative entrepreneurs in Ukraine included key elements of business strategy including:
– Strategic Marketing, featuring concepts and case studies from his book ‘Chase One Rabbit’.
– Defining ‘Success’ according to criteria set by the entrepreneur, not by external agencies or advisers.
– How to ‘Create Your Own Business Formula’ which is set out in David’s free article on the subject (also available in Ukrainian and other languages).
David answered questions from the audience on subjects as wide-ranging as branding, start-ups, operational marketing, leading a team with a clear vision, and several other business matters.
The event took place during a week of activities to support the creative industries in Ukraine, which included the publication of David’s book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ in a Ukrainian translation. The week’s activities also include David’s speech at the Business Wisdom Summit, a Creative Industries Forum, entitled “Creative Economy-Ukrainian start-up” to launch an initiative to promote the creative industries in Ukraine. David is also working with the British Council to help the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme. This project will help the development of the creative and cultural industries in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova.