David’s book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ was published in translation in Ukraine and launched at an event on 22 September 2015.
His book on creative entrepreneurship in Ukranian will help develop the creative industries in Ukraine.
David Parrish speaking in Kiev about the Ukrainian translation of the book in September 2015.
The Ukrainian version is the eighth translation of this highly-acclaimed business guide for creative and cultural entrepreneurs, following previous translations published in China, Chile, Colombia, Lithuania, Spain, Taiwan and Thailand.
The paperback is published in Ukraine by CHERNOZEM and available for purchase on the CHERNOZEM website.
The book was first published in the UK by Merseyside ACME, now part of Liverpool Vision.
“Good book! It seems like it was written exactly for me. Contains lot’s of cool ideas and clear action plan for me as creative entrepreneur.” – Olga Protasova. Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Comment on Facebook.
David Parrish attended the book launch event and was involved in other projects and conferences during his visit to Kiev, including speaking at the Business Wisdom Summit, delivering a Masterclass, and working with the British Council to help the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme. This project will help the development of the creative and cultural industries in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova.
This is what Konstantin Kozemyaka and his colleagues were saying in Ukraine about the book on Facebook:
(See translation below)
У меня вопрос.
Во время недавнего посещения Таллина руководители Эстонского центра креативной экономики настоятельно рекомендовали нам украинцам начинать процесс внедрения идей креативной экономики с просветительства ( даже не с образования).
Очень хвалили тренера мирового класса Девида Перриша и его две книги. Кстати, одна из них называется “Футболки и костюмы”. В нашем варианте (http://chernozem.info/?p=467) мы , ещё не догадываясь о её существовании, воплотили тендем культуры и бизнеса в комиксах Alevtina Kakhidze и Volodymyr Babiuk с корпоративными героями Арти и Кэш )) Книги очень понятные и наглядные, так сказать для “чайников” в вопросах креативной экономики.
Я связался с Дэвидом и получил достаточно лояльные условия получения авторских прав на издание этих книг, которые позволяют предлагать их по 200-250 грн каждая (на Амазоне – 15 GBR соответственно).
Вопрос звучит просто: это кому-нибудь интересно и нужно?))
Если нужно, пишите в личку – учтётся и зачтётся )))
Вчера я обращался к Вам , коллеги, с вопросом : издавать или не издавать две книги английского гуру по креативной экономике Дэвида Перриша? Решение принято: издавать. Скажу больше: Дэвид оказался огромным симпатиком Украины – он поддержал идею создания нами Всеукраинского гражданского объединения “Креативная Украина”, в конференции, посвященной презентации которого в конце сентября в Киеве с удовольствием примет участие вместе с другими европейскими коллегами. Следите за анонсами. Конструктивные предложения – в личку
Translated by Google Translate (!)
I have a question.
During a recent visit to Tallinn, the Estonian Central leaders of the creative economy is highly recommended to us Ukrainians begin the process of implementing the ideas of the creative economy to enlightenment (even with education).
It is a world-class coach praised David Parrish and his two books. By the way, one of them called “shirts and suits.” In this embodiment (http://chernozem.info/?p=467) we still unaware of its existence, embodied Tandy culture and business in the comics Alevtina Kakhidze and Volodymyr Babiuk corporate heroes Artie and Cash)) The book is very clear and visual, so to speak for the “dummies” in matters of the creative economy.
I got in touch with David and had enough loyal conditions for obtaining copyright for the publication of these books, which allow us to offer them at 200-250 USD each (on Amazon – GBR 15, respectively).
The question is simple: there is someone who is interesting and necessary?))
If necessary, write in a personal – will take into account and be counted)))
Yesterday I spoke to you , colleagues , to the question : to publish or not to publish two books of the English guru David Parrish creative economy ? The decision was made : to publish . I will say more : David was a huge sympathetic Ukraine – he supported the idea of establishing a contact -Ukrainian civic association ” Creative Ukraine ” , the conference dedicated to the presentation of which in the end of September in Kiev pleased to participate , along with other European colleagues . Watch for announcements. Constructive proposals – in PM