David was invited to give a creative business lecture at the Faculty of Creative Industries at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in Lithuania.
He made a presentation to students about:
– How we can combine Creativity and Business
– How to be Creative in the Studio – and also in the Office
– How to Make Money while you Sleep
– How to Create Your Own Business Formula
in his lecture: “T-Shirts and Suits: How to combine creative talent with smart business thinking”
David’s creative business lecture included case studies about creative entrepreneurs from around the world, including examples of smart business techniques in the creative industries from Vietnam, Brazil and the UK. David has also written other ‘Ideas in Action’ case studies featuring creative entrepreneurs from Jamaica, Holland, Hong Kong and South Africa. David also draws on his work in more than 50 countries around the world to provide further examples of smart business thinking in his university lectures, keynote speeches and creative business training workshops.
David was invited as an international guest lecturer by Associate Professor Dr Živilė Sederevičiūtė Pačiauskienė, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries (pictured below, third from left) to give his creative business lecture in Vilnius. Also pictured with David are Angele Tamuleviciute and Aistė Ptakauskė.
“David was a guest lecture at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Faculty of Creative Industries. David is a great communicator, clear and inspiring. We had many questions and even more ideas after the seminar. We still receive a positive feedback from students and lecturers that attended the seminar. David is very professional, busy but always open to the new ideas. Hope to have an opportunity to work together in the very next future. Thank you very much!”
Zivile Sedereviciute-Paciauskiene, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
David was interviewed at the University before his lecture. He was asked the question: “When is the right moment to stop dreaming and start doing [as a creative entrepreneur]?” In this short video, David answers the question, saying that finding your first customer is when you start as a creative business.
David also answered questions about creative passion, competition and pricing in this video:
And David also explained the importance of the creative industries worldwide:
David’s book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ has been published in translations in nine countries around the world. It is online and can be downloaded as a free eBook in Lithuanian. His creative business lecture featured some themes from the book. Students were invited to download and read the book after David’s creative business lecture.
David works with Universities around the world, giving university lectures, advising universities on curriculum development, delivering workshops and signing books for students. He has worked with universities in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Estonia, Lithuania, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and Vietnam.
David has a range of academic and professional qualifications and accreditations including:
• Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
with distinction, from Bradford University School of Management,
one of Europe’s leading business schools.
• Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM)
• CIM ‘Chartered Marketer’.
• Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI)
• Member of the Institute of Consulting (MIC)
• Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management (FInstLM)
• Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
See full details of David’s qualifications and publications.