Iron Sky is a sci-fi movie that will be produced collaboratively on the internet using the Wreck a Movie site and partly funded by selling ‘war bonds’. Iron Sky is the next movie from the creators of Star Wreck.
It’s a creative collaboration using crowd-sourcing and crowd-financing – two of the important new business developments in the creative industries which I spoke about in my keynote speech at the ‘Media & Message’ Conference in Finland for independent TV producers and media professionals, organised by satu.
At the conference, Timo Vuorensola from Energia Productions Oy explained how they are using the internet to help creative people work together to make a film – and the business model behind it.
The project has 1,207 members and uses the collective creativity of the people involved by breaking down a huge project into small tasks – a classic crowdsourcing technique.
Some of the capital required is raised through crowd-financing. For 50 Euros you can buy ‘War Bonds’ in the movie. They explain that these are not really bonds or shares, so in fact this is a donation to support the project, for which you receive a limited edition ‘supporter’s pack’ of goodies.
For more information about the project – and how to get involved – see the Iron Sky website.