David Parrish was a guest lecturer on the MSc in Creative Entrepreneurship at Vilnius University Business School in Lithuania.
During the module on Product Innovation Development, students worked on their plans for new products and services in the creative industries. The interactive sessions combined students’ creativity and new product ideas with David’s experience in business in the creative industries internationally.
During the lectures, David introduced a variety of business issues, techniques and concepts by relating them to his own experience in business. Students appreciated that David was willing to reflect on his mistakes in business as well as his successes.
To help students develop their new products and services during the university course, David gave examples of successes and mistakes in market research, management of intellectual property, pricing strategies, raising finance, branding, advertising and other matters. He also shared his experience of joint ventures, expansion into new products/services, and international business.
“It was an amazing opportunity Vilnius University Business School gave us! Inspiring and valuable course and stories with David Parrish. Time in university never passed so quick, even if it is Saturday! Thank you!”
– Aistė Indrašiūtė. MSc Student
Each of the students on the MSc in Creative Entrepreneurship received a signed paperback copy of David’s book ‘Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs’.
Additional materials shared by David included the Lithuanian translation of his book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’, which was published as a free e-Book in Lithuania and launched at the Vilnius Book Fair in 2009.
At the end of the 3-day module, students on the MSc in Creative Entrepreneurship presented David with a gift to express their thanks for his lectures.
David Parrish is often invited to give university lectures as a guest lecturer; he also works on other projects at universities around the world.
“David’s talk about the importance of Strategic Marketing was inspiring and insightful.
He has a unique perspective from his distinguished career in marketing and company operations. David’s visit was on a Friday afternoon when we would usually have a tough time attracting students to hear a guest speaker, but that afternoon the room was full for David’s talk. We enjoyed his visit very much, especial his books ‘Chase One Rabbit’ and ‘T-Shirts and Suits’. Thank you again!”
Malcolm Duerod. Department of International Business (DIB)
International Burch University, Sarajevo
“David gave a very interesting presentation on ‘a-Creativity and i-Creativity for Business Success’. Everyone agreed that his international examples were inspirational.”
Aynur Kerimova, Baku State University. Azerbaijan Republic
David works with Universities around the world, giving university lectures, advising universities on curriculum development, delivering workshops and signing books for students. His international work includes projects with universities in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom and Vietnam.
“David was a guest lecture at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Faculty of Creative Industries. David is a great communicator, clear and inspiring. We had many questions and even more ideas after the seminar. We still receive a positive feedback from students and lecturers that attended the seminar. David is very professional, busy but always open to the new ideas. Hope to have an opportunity to work together in the very next future. Thank you very much!”
Zivile Sedereviciute-Paciauskiene, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.
David’s book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ was first translated and published in Spanish by the Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Colombia. David also delivered a presentation for students and advised senior staff on including entrepreneurship within the curriculum for creative subjects.