This toolkit will empower you to diversify, to generate new income in the short term and potentially to transform your whole business model.
It has been designed for owners and senior managers of businesses who want to diversify into new products, new markets, add digital adaptations to their products, or use digital means of distribution.
In that way, it is a toolkit to devise a better business model for the future.
It is especially relevant to creative, digital and cultural enterprises.
The toolkit has several sections including videos, downloadable worksheets and articles, further information about the strategies and techniques, plus links to associated support materials.
The structure is carefully designed but you can access the videos, information and downloads at any time, in any order.
The course content includes:
1. How to Generate New Ideas
2. The Feasibility Filter. A system to select the best opportunities
3. Ten different Diversification Strategies.
4. ‘Lean Diversification’ – the methods of innovating and launching new products and services.
See more about the toolkit here.
Note: This online toolkit or course includes access to live online group coaching events facilitated by David Parrish.
David’s mission, passion and profession is to empower creative entrepreneurs to become even more successful. He works internationally as a business adviser, trainer, speaker and author.
Free business development resources are available on his website, including a free eBook version of his book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’.
As part of his ongoing support for the creative, digital and cultural industries internationally, David will provide access to this course at various reduced rates to a limited number of creative enterprises and organisations worldwide. Discounts can be arranged for creative industries support agencies, creative hubs and membership organisations who want to provide reduced rate access for their members. Affiliate marketing arrangements are also possible.
Contact David to apply for individual discounted access to this online course or to discuss access for your members.