David spoke about digital economy business growth at Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) to an audience of 80+ entrepreneurs including digital and creative startups.
He was the guest speaker at a special event in Prishtina and spoke about ‘Business Growth in the Creative and Digital Industries’. His presentation included topics such as exponential growth, innovative business models, combining creative talent with smart business thinking, intellectual property licensing. He also spoke about investment readiness and ‘making money while you sleep’. He explained how digital economy business growth is fundamentally different from business growth in the industrial era. David used examples, stories and illustrations from his own experience as an entrepreneur, from his research, and from his international work mentoring businesses in the creative and digital economy. He differentiated between ‘creative labourers’ and true ‘creative entrepreneurs’.
David also answered questions from the audience of creative and digital industries entrepreneurs and startups.
David presented copies of his books to Innovation Centre Kosovo to inform and inspire creative and digital startups and high growth businesses based at ICK.
After speaking about digital economy business growth, David visited several of the creative businesses based at ICK to learn about their enterprises, business growth ambitions and to offer some advice as a mentor.
Digital economy business growth is at the heart of ICK’s mission and objectives.
Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) is a center whose aim is to connect research and development component of scientific field with the business sector, focusing on creating new job opportunities oriented towards the future, based on knowledge and new technology.
Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) was founded to support entrepreneurship, innovation and commercially based business development, with a focus on information and communication technology. The centre supports both start-ups and existing companies with the potential for growth.
ICK will both create new jobs through the businesses that supports and train young people for jobs in the broader marketplace. ICK will be a hub for connecting new ideas and technology with human and financial resources to create or expand commercially viable companies that can successfully fill the needs in the market, generating sales, trade, local productive capacity and skilled employment. Innovation Centre Kosovo offers incubator services, mentoring, consulting and training to entrepreneurs and managers in business planning, accounting, finance, product/service development, marketing/ sales, human resources, technology development and transfer and matchmaking with local, regional and international businesses.
The establishment of ICK was financially supported by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ICK was initiated in June 2012 as a project of Athene Prosjektledelse, Norway and the Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK) with Crimson Capital LLC, Kosovo being the main cooperating partner on this initiative.
ICK is funded by Embassy of Sweden in Prishtina and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.