David delivered a creative business workshop for creative and digital entrepreneurs at HUBBA Thailand. His creative business workshop “Designing Your Creative Business” was attended by more than 30 creative businesses at the HUBBA workspace in Bangkok. David’s interactive workshop focused on business growth using appropriate business models that achieve success in terms defined by the …
Tag: creative business
Customers are ‘ploggers’
Customers are powerful. We can’t control customers and we can’t control what they say. All we can do is guide them to some extent. We can provide them with the stories they will tell. It’s interesting to look at the progress of this thing called ‘marketing’. Around 50 years ago, marketing communications was all about …
Don’t do Market Research!
Marketing is all about looking at things from the customer’s point of view. That requires understanding customers and, indeed, listening to customers. Don’t do market research! Listening to customers is the term I tend to use, instead of the phrase ‘market research’. That’s because ‘market research’ tends to conjure up the idea in people’s minds …
Marketing Strategy is ‘Invisible’
One of the reasons that strategic marketing is overlooked is because it’s not obvious; it’s not ‘in our faces’. Strategy is practically invisible to outsiders, because it is the thinking behind the scenes within businesses that we never get to see. Marketing strategy is invisible. What we do see, as consumers and observers of businesses, …

Strategic Marketing avoids Bad Customers
Not all customers are good customers! Strategic Marketing will avoid and deter bad customers. Customers can be bad customers for all sorts of reasons. They can be unprofitable or troublesome. They can waste your time or cause stress. Some interfere too much. Some aren’t worthy of including in your portfolio. Others pay late, or never. …
Marketing Audiobook ‘Chase One Rabbit’ published
The book ‘Chase One Rabbit’ is also published as an AudioBook. This strategic marketing audiobook can now be downloaded from Audible, Amazon and iTunes. ‘Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs’ was published as an Audiobook in February 2016. The 5-star reviewed strategic marketing book was …
Indonesian translation of creative business article
The creative business article ‘Create Your Own Business Formula’ has been translated into Indonesian by Jodie J Lumanauw. It is online here and can be downloaded, copied, printed and redistributed provided it is not changed or sold. This article is published in English, Spanish, Romanian, German, Portuguese, French, Ukrainian and Indonesian (so far!). Please contact …
Speaker at Business Wisdom Summit in Ukraine
David was the opening keynote speaker at the Business Wisdom Summit in Ukraine on 24 September 2015. He spoke on the subject of “How to Profit from Creativity in Business” to an audience of business owners, chief executives and senior managers of businesses in the creative industries and other sectors of the economy. David spoke …
David featured in creative business podcast
An interview with creative industries expert David Parrish has been published on the creative business podcast ‘Creative Warriors’. David speaks about combining creativity and business, pricing, plogging and other matters relating to creative and digital enterprises. In the introduction to David’s creative business podcast, host Jeffrey Shaw says: “Creativity and profit do not have to …