Devising a successful marketing strategy leads to charging higher prices for your creative products and services.
It also works the other way around. If you increase your prices, you will have to devise an improved marketing strategy.
Whichever way you tackle it, you can increase prices with a winning marketing strategy.
This is because a successful marketing strategy involves understanding your competitive advantage, focusing on what you can do that competitors cannot, then concentrating on the specific customers who want what you can uniquely offer. Doing this means that you are no longer competing on price but on your rare expertise.
The same would happen if you simply increased your prices. You would lose the customers who could buy cheaper elsewhere, but they never wanted your rare expertise, just something many others could supply. You would then be forced to go only to those customers who really need and value the products only you can supply. In this way, you are forced to discover an effective marketing strategy.
This is an extract from David’s marketing book ‘Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs’.
Read this and 62 more inspiring and practical marketing techniques on your smartphone by downloading this strategic marketing book as an eBook. It is also available as a paperback and as an Audiobook. This highly-acclaimed marketing book is also available in Spanish and French.
Find out more about pricing in the video of the webinar on pricing, on this page, in David’s marketing book, and in his interactive training workshop ‘Creative Pricing’.
David Parrish is a marketing speaker, author and consultant. He works worldwide helping businesses to become even more successful by using the best strategic marketing techniques.
French edition translator Florence Magee (neé Harmelin) with author David Parrish
Celebrating the launch of the Spanish translation of the marketing book in Spain
David Parrish is an international keynote speaker and author on marketing. He makes speeches and presentations on marketing authentically and other marketing strategies and techniques.
He works world-wide as a marketing speaker and consultant, advising creative businesses, digital enterprises, cultural organisations and other enterprises on their marketing strategies and marketing authentically. David has a track record in helping businesses to make their marketing strategies more successful by providing marketing advice that is in tune with clients’ values and objectives. He works in partnership with his clients to devise winning marketing strategies and action plans that deliver successful results. Marketing authentically is often an important part of a strategy devised with a business using David as their marketing consultant.
David Parrish shares his marketing expertise through his marketing keynote speeches and presentations, interactive training workshops, books and business advice consultancy with individual clients worldwide. He applies marketing authentically in his strategy for his own international business.
“David helped us to devise a marketing strategy which focuses on our competitive strengths and the best market segments. Using effective marketing techniques we have improved the way we connect our creative talents with profitable markets.”
– Janina Gaudin. Director. Pepperbot Studios Ltd. New Zealand
Read more testimonials from David’s clients around the world.