David spoke about creative and cultural entrepreneurship at a conference of the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme in Ukraine on 24 September 2015. The EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme will help the development of the creative and cultural industries in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova. David was commissioned by the British Council …
Tag: cultural industries
Ansoff’s Matrix for Creative Business Development
Strategies for creative business development and growth using Ansoff’s Matrix (or Ansoff Matrix). [Note: this article was updated in a response to the COVID-19 Crisis. See updated article which includes a new ‘COVID-19 Diversification Matrix’, adapted from the Ansoff Matrix, to devise strategic responses to COVID-19.) When advising creative and digital businesses about strategic marketing …
‘T-Shirts and Suits’ published for Creative Industries in Ukraine
David’s book ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ was published in translation in Ukraine and launched at an event on 22 September 2015. His book on creative entrepreneurship in Ukranian will help develop the creative industries in Ukraine. David Parrish speaking in Kiev about the Ukrainian translation of the book …
Speaker at Business Wisdom Summit in Ukraine
David was the opening keynote speaker at the Business Wisdom Summit in Ukraine on 24 September 2015. He spoke on the subject of “How to Profit from Creativity in Business” to an audience of business owners, chief executives and senior managers of businesses in the creative industries and other sectors of the economy. David spoke …
David featured in creative business podcast
An interview with creative industries expert David Parrish has been published on the creative business podcast ‘Creative Warriors’. David speaks about combining creativity and business, pricing, plogging and other matters relating to creative and digital enterprises. In the introduction to David’s creative business podcast, host Jeffrey Shaw says: “Creativity and profit do not have to …
Create Your Own Business Formula
Don’t write a business plan until you have read this article! The article in English is reproduced in full below. It can also be downloaded as a PDF document in English and ten other languages. Creativity and Business Some people regard creativity and business as being like oil and water – they just don’t mix. …
The ‘3Ms of Marketing’
The best way to illustrate the technique of using the 3Ms of Marketing most effectively is to use a true story. Julie, a jeweller, asked me for some marketing advice. With a limited budget for marketing communications, she couldn’t decide whether to invest in a better website or in a printed brochure to promote her …
Don’t be a ‘busy fool’ – act strategically
Are you a ‘busy fool’? We avoid doing difficult things by occupying ourselves with trivial things. We deal with urgent trivia instead of what’s really important. Keeping busy like this allows us to avoid having to make important decisions. In my work, advising and training hundreds of businesses all around the world, I see too …
Your Competitive Advantage
What’s your Competitive Advantage? Knowing what you can excel at in relation to competitors – and then building your business strategy around that focus – is probably the most important element of any successful business strategy. If you are competing in a market place by offering the same thing as many other rivals, then you …
The Curve: from Free to Superfans
Download and read the free eBook ‘10 Ways to Make Money in a FREE World‘ from Nicholas Lovell, author of The Curve. I’m recommending The Curve to my consultancy clients in the creative and digital industries. This free eBook is a great short introduction to the The Curve. It contains specific references to creative industries …