Creativity is a word that means different things to different people. To solve this problem, David proposes we acknowledge two kinds of creativity: “a-Creativity” and “i-Creativity”. He explains this in his keynote speech at TEDx Napoli. UPDATE: These two kinds of creativity can be used to diversify. “How to use i-Creativity in the Business Office” …
Tag: intellectual property rights
Paul Smith talks business
In a fascinating interview, fashion design guru Paul Smith talked about many aspects of growing a business in the creative industries, including: How he succeeds as a creative entrepreneur by saying no to many potential clients, choosing only those projects which fit his brand and excite his creativity. He has (politely) rejected the opportunity to …
Creativity in Business
In this short video, David Parrish talks about: How Creativity and Business can be combined intelligently and sensitively to achieve business and creative success in a way which is consistent with our values and objectives. Being Creative in Business: How creative people can be creative in the office as well as the studio. In other …
How to achieve Business Success in the Creative Sector
David Parrish advises creative entrepreneurs to consider five key points to achieve business success in the creative, digital and cultural industries. This short ‘How to Succeed in Creative Business’ video, summarises David’s advice about how entrepreneurs can make their creative and digital businesses even more successful. Define Success – in your own terms, with your …
Be your own kind of entrepreneur!
Business doesn’t have to be about being the biggest, fastest or strongest. Entrepreneurs don’t have to be short-sighted, aggressive and unfair. “Entrepreneurialism has nothing to do with hardwired personality traits.” This is what Robert Kelsey says in this article in the journal of the Royal Society of Arts. I agree totally. Unfortunately, the popular image …
Creative Barcodes
An excellent new service to help creative individuals and businesses to protect and commercialise their intellectual property has been launched by Creative Barcode. Update: Creative Barcode ceased operation in July 2019. Copyright exists as soon as the creator expresses an idea in tangible form – as a piece of writing, music, design, software etc. Registration …
How to Pay the Rent
In this video, successful creative entrepreneur Sue explains to web designer Jon how to make sure he can pay his rent each month. [ Embed this and other videos in your own website from the T-Shirts and Suits channel on YouTube. ] She tells him how to pay the rent and explains how she …
Raising Finance for Creative Projects by Crowdfunding
This Financial Times article reports on a new initiative to fund arts projects by crowd funding / crowd financing. The ‘We Fund’ website enables individuals to donate small amounts of money to arts related projects in return for credits, perks and other benefits. In return for pledges of amounts of cash between £1 GBP and …
Features and Benefits: the “So What?!” test
If you are talking to a potential customer and they say (or maybe just think) “So What?!”, then the chances are you are talking about features, not benefits. It’s a trap we can all easily fall into. We are enthusiastic about our creative businesses and want to tell people about what we do and how …
Time Management for Creative People
Time Management is an issue that comes up frequently when I’m advising creative businesses. It seems there’s always too much to do, and not enough time to do it. In my view, time management is both a strategic issue and an operational challenge. If we are unrealistic about what can be achieved with finite resources, …