Nicholas Lovell calls them “Superfans”. Kevin Kelly has written about “True Fans”. These are the people who love what you do so much that they will buy everything you produce. Too often, creative businesses are obsessed with getting more customers instead of selling more to their best customers. Marketing is too often focused on winning …
Tag: marketing creativity
Precision Marketing for Creative Businesses
Precision Marketing is all about getting the right messages to the right people in the most effective way possible. The ‘3Ms of Marketing’ technique helps to achieve that precision. The three Ms are: Market, Message, Medium – and it’s important to deal with them in that order. This technique invites us to think things through …
Free Marketing Course Online
The EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme has published a free marketing course online for cultural and creative entrepreneurs. Written and presented by David Parrish, the free marketing course has been designed especially for entrepreneurs in the cultural industries and creative industries, including cultural institutions, freelance practitioners, cultural enterprises, creative entrepreneurs and cultural businesses. By …
Marketing Cultural Projects – three rules
The EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme has published three main rules for marketing cultural projects. Here are three recommendations for marketing cultural projects from the online marketing course written and presented by David Parrish and published by the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme 1. Listen to your client From David Parrish’s experience, the …
Do you know what you’re selling?
You make your living from your creativity, selling creative products and services to customers. Sounds straightforward, but it’s not. The reason it’s not so simple is that there is intellectual property (IP) involved in all creative businesses and the things they sell to their clients. There’s a lot of confusion about intellectual property. Customers often …
Creative Marketing book selling world-wide
The creative marketing book ‘Chase One Rabbit’ is selling worldwide in eBook, paperback and Audiobook formats. ‘Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success. 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs’ is a creative marketing book that combines inspirational stories and practical techniques, inspiring entrepreneurs to make their businesses even more successful by using …