One of the points I make in my training workshop ‘How to Make Money While You Sleep’ is that ‘Ideas Don’t Make You Rich”. I quote multimillionaire Felix Dennis, publisher and poet, who wrote in his book ‘How to Get Rich’: “Ideas don’t make you rich, the correct execution of ideas does.” In other words, …
Tag: Felix Dennis
Paul Smith talks business
In a fascinating interview, fashion design guru Paul Smith talked about many aspects of growing a business in the creative industries, including: How he succeeds as a creative entrepreneur by saying no to many potential clients, choosing only those projects which fit his brand and excite his creativity. He has (politely) rejected the opportunity to …
Ideas don’t make you rich
“Ideas don’t make you rich. The correct execution of ideas does.” So says Felix Dennis, poet, owner of Dennis Publishing, and one of the wealthiest self-made entrepreneurs in Britain. I met him several years ago when he gave generously to support a project I helped with at the National Library for the Blind, though he …
Download free eBook. T-Shirts and Suits
Download the free eBook version of ‘T-Shirts and Suits: A Guide to the Business of Creativity’ by David Parrish. The eBook of T-Shirts and Suits is the full version of the book, in interactive PDF format. We want you to download it, distribute it to friends and associates, and add it to your website so …