Tag: lateral thinking

Two kinds of Creativity: a-Creativity and i-Creativity

Creativity is a word that means different things to different people. To solve this problem, David proposes we acknowledge two kinds of creativity: “a-Creativity” and “i-Creativity”. He explains this in his keynote speech at TEDx Napoli. UPDATE: These two kinds of creativity can be used to diversify. “How to use i-Creativity in the Business Office” …

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You can use crowd-funding platforms to test the market for a new product, service or project, in parallel with raising finance to fund new creative initiatives. This was one of the many interesting points made by Slava Rubin, Chief Executive Officer of the crowd-funding platform, Indiegogo where we were both speakers at a creative industries …

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Get out more!

At the launch party for Creative Times Online, which was full of ‘creative industries’ people clustering together, I met a civil engineer. Civil/structural engineers don’t normally attend these gatherings of ‘creatives’ (fashion designers, musicians, writers, film-makers, advertisers, artists, website designers, broadcasters and publishers, graphic designers, performers, computer games programmers, designer-makers, etc.) So I was intrigued. …

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Film funding through eBay…

Financing a feature film can be a complex and expensive business, and most talented film directors never get a chance to make a full-length feature film because of lack of finance. But with her ‘can-do’ attitude, resourcefulness and determination, Fiona Maher has made a film on a micro-budget, raising cash from a variety of sources, …

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