A great place to get ideas is from business sectors outside the creative industries. Why not buy a few magazines you’ve never read before? Or go to a networking meeting of professionals from an industry you’ve never engaged with. Creative people should get out more! Read article > Creative Times is now online! Link: www.creativetimes.co.uk
Tag: Creative Times
The Art and Science of Advertising
The best advertising agencies know that the ‘creative’ elements of advertising are just the tip of the iceberg – or the ‘icing on the cake’. Less visible, but equally important, is the market research and clear understanding of customers’ want and needs. Advertising legend David Ogilvy emphasised the importance of researching how customers think in …
Creative Times: Leading Creative People – it’s like herding cats!
Leading Creative People … “We say it’s like herding cats!” was a comment about leading and managing creative people when I was a guest speaker at the Munich meeting of MAGNET – the Marketing and Advertising Global Network. My presentation to the owners of advertising agencies from around the world was on the subject of …
Don’t Co-operate
In contrast to the business strategies of collaboraton or Co-opetition, there is another strategy to consider: ‘Don’t Co-operate’. This is one of the characteristics of the success of Apple Inc., according to Wired Magazine in an article called ‘How Apple Got Everything Right By Doing Everything Wrong’. The article shows how Apple breaks several of …
Don’t Advertise! Let your customers do the plogging
Advertising is so last century! Advertising doesn’t work any more. Instead, customers talk – like never before. continue to full article… Download article (PDF, 92KB) Download let_your_customers_do_the_plogging. David Parrish. T-Shirts and Suits. 240407.pdf
Let your customers do the Plogging
Advertising is so last century! Advertising doesn’t work any more. Instead, customers talk – like never before. It used to be the case that the advertiser was in control of the message. That was when the advertiser had more power than customers and could control the message. Nowadays, customers are in control. Customers have always …
Identify the Important Few from the Trivial Many. The ’95:5 Rule’
Creative Times. January 2007 The Pareto Principle, also known as the “80:20 Rule”, states that 80% of results flow from 20% of causes. In practice it’s more like the “95:5” rule. For example, 95% of business may come from just 5% of customers. Read more about the 95:5 Rule
Marketing Warfare
Marketing Warfare – Focusing on Competitors as well as Customers Whilst conventional marketing theory states that businesses should be customer-focused, the concept of Marketing Warfare argues that businesses should be competitor-focused. Since the marketplace is dynamic, the actions and reactions of competitors must be taken into account, as well as the needs of customers, when …